Southdown Babydoll Sheep


It is said that the woolly face of a Babydoll Sheep will always make you smile. This statement proved to be true when we visited a flock of Southdown Babydoll Sheep at Two Chimneys Farm in Falmouth this month.

Janice Siegle has been keeping a flock of Babydolls for about 10 years. The flock swells, and is culled, to varying numbers. On our visit, there were 10 happy ewes and 1 ram. Janice has had her fleeces spun into yarn in various weights over the years. This year she chose to spin most of it into a single-ply, super bulky at Bartlettyarns in Harmony.

If you have ever contemplated raising sheep, you may want to consider starting with this breed, especially if you are not sure of the amount of fleece you will want to process. This breed is a noticeably small animal (producing a smaller amount of fiber), and it is a particularly good one to have around children. This breed tends to be docile and the ewes are good mothers. And according to the Olde English "Babydoll" Registry, because they are an ancient breed, they are not prone to many of the problems of modern breeds. If the fleece quality is what is most important to you, the micron count (determines softness) of this breed is generally near the cashmere range.

Why did Janice choose this breed?  "They are the original sheep breed. The breed is ancient. I choose the breed because I fell in love with their smiles. They don't have horns and are only shorn once yearly. Their fiber length is on the shorter side. The yarn is great for blankets, mittens, scarfs and hats. All simple projects I thought I could complete. They are sweet comical animals and always make me laugh. Great guard animals!  Anyone coming down my driveway gets 'bleeped'! "

We have a limited quantity of Two Chimneys Farm yarn available at the moment. We even created a hat pattern for this lovely yarn.


  • Any babydolls available?

    Tony Lyons
  • Good morning from Cape Cod. We have very Dear friends who just lost their male senior Southdown two days ago.. Bromley was a mentor to Snoopy, a little over a year I believe and the grieving is real. I am not sheep savvy but from what I have witnessed that pairs are necessary for thriving emotionally..
    Cindy and Harry own Saturday Farm here on Cape Cod and their sheep have been a part of their rental experience for years.. They have an Instagram account and Facebook too.. I am reaching out to see if you have any suggestions, since it is not prime lambing time ??
    They are looking for a sheep younger than 3…
    Thank you and be well.
    Les Shaw

    Leslie Kennedy Shaw
  • I am interested and have been for many years in own a couple of the babydoll south downs. For the wool and , I had a question about “milk” production from the ewes?. I would like them to be duel purpose, for wool and milk. Also, I’m looking for a breeder local to me, I’m in Central MA.
    Thank you so much for you much welcomed guidance and experience.

  • Im here in Maine I just ordered a skein of southdown babydoll/ Alpaca. I cant wait to make the new hat pattern you’ve provided! I love making hats!

    Heather York
  • Hello, I have a question about your Babydoll Southdown sheep. Would you mind giving me a call? Thank you! 829-6318

    Karen Andersen

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